Ray Goren - LA Sessions
Soul/R&B/Pop Rock
RJ Ray Entertainment Inc.
Posted 6/19/14 - 11:59 PM ET

Listening to Ray Goren's EP, LA Sessions, hits home that this reviewer wasted his early childhood and teens when it came to music. Young Master Goren is only 14 years old and jams with Soul based and guitar heavy R&B/Rock like an amalgamation of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and BB King; in skill only though. Ray is making his own sound and it is good, a little more pop in some ways than I usually like, but truly that's only in the hooks and how infectious his melodies are. Goren has crafted an incredible fusion of Soul, R&B, and Rock in his song writing both in lyrical content and musical composition for a knockout combination all around. Soul influences on this EP are most strongly felt in Goren's lyrics while the R&B/Rock fusion comes through stronger on the instrumental side of each songs composition. There is also remarkable maturity and insight into life, both adolescent and adult segments, within these songs that are beyond most 14 year old's grasp for living life, loving, being loved, choices, and the consequences that come with them.
LA Sessions is an EP to catch when it is released June 24, 2014. This young man has much talent and this reviewer hopes he receives the wide recognition he deserves as he continues to evolve, an evolution that should never be stunted. Ray has much to offer, both to musicians and to the music industry itself; this kid is thinking outside the repainted box we're all allowing ourselves to be crammed into again. Ray Goren is creating what he wants to create instead of herd mentality, homogenized and watered down, focus group geared music that most corporate labels are pumping out.
Once more, keep an eye and an ear on this kid, he's going places and LA Sessions is a good place to start taking that journey with him if you're just finding out about him.
Track list:
- You Gotta Learn
- Memories
- Weight of the World
- All She Needs is Me
- Stop Waiting