There is a lot of power in Meg Myers voice, most of it she hasn't revealed yet, at least not in any of her material that I have heard, but in her new single "Sorry" you can hear untapped strength bubbling beneath where she restrains it. There's also a lot of sexual power in Meg Myers' voice, reminiscent of Fiona Apple, but minus the heroin chic Fiona rocked in the late 90s when she burst onto the charts with "Criminal". Looking forward to Myers' new album coming at some point later in 2015 after hearing this song, there's much promise if this is the kind of songwriting and performing we can look forward to in her future endeavors. While I, personally, have a disdain for most pop music; Myers' falls much more on the Alternative Rock side of her genre billing as Pop Rock and Alt Rock/Alt Pop. Maybe it is the darker aspects of her songwriting and the seductive air of smoldering sexuality in the timbre of her voice, but Meg Myers is heir to the sexy alt chick rocker throne held in the past by artists like Fiona Apple, Meredith Brooks, and Sinead O'Connor among others. I'll take this style of genuinely sexy alt pop/rock any day over the likes of the Miley Cyrus crowd that mistake meaningless and anonymous fucking for sensuality, sex and, being genuinely sexy.