Tastes Like Rock Magazine

Ajenda - Hatred and Greed (Single)


Jenuine Records/Plastichead Distribution

Posted 6/11/14 - 6:26 PM ET

Tastes Like Rock - Ajenda - Hatred and Greed Review
Tastes Like Rock - Ajenda - Hatred and Greed Review

Four piece Belfast, Ireland based Ajenda crafts a powerful song that calls humanity as a whole out on the downward spiral it is collectively in. A spiral of ever prevalent and seemingly always growing hatred, and its resulting segregation, between people on personal, racial, ethic, and "class" levels. Vocalist Jen delivers some well done and angry vocals to fit the theme of the song, Gavin's guitars match this anger at points with Janny and Peter, bass and drums respectively, keeping the mood heavy and serious. Desperation and frustration are emoted well throughout the song, frustration especially comes across in the narration of the lyrical content. The emotion doesn't feel as though it's at the boiling over point quite yet, it feels just before a person reaches the moment that they either give in and join the masses or rises up to follow a path of righteousness or self righteousness, depending on personality. 

Ajenda nails vocal delivery, as stated above, and instrumentation (now that I'm past the psycho-babble analysis of the lyrics, can you tell I volunteered heavily for social causes?) is tight and heavy, slightly drop tuned if this reviewer's ear does not deceive, bass heavy sound always works for me. The bands style of rock is hard and heavy but still melody driven, this gives it a slightly mellow flavor; mellow being a relative term to what hard rock and metal are right now, too infused with hardcore and dub step. Definitely a band to keep an ear on as they continue to get a stronger foothold in Europe outside of their native Northern Ireland and hopefully the US soon as well.

Ajenda gets a 3.5 out of 5 for "Hatred and Greed".

Ajenda is Jen (vocals), Gavin (guitars), Peter (drums), and Janny (bass). For more from Ajenda check out www.ajendamusic.com.

- Michael Meade