Tastes Like Rock Magazine

Adrian English - Total Chaos

Metal/Shred Metal

Shredguy Records

Posted 5/24/14 5:30 PM ET

Tastes Like Rock - Adrian English - Total Chaos Review
Tastes Like Rock - Adrian English - Total Chaos Review

Adrian English returns with Total Chaos, and as hard as it is to believe, he is better than ever. Speed, precision, and more emotion flowing through his music than in previous outings. The man never seems to level off with his mastery of guitar from one album to the next. Granted, in many ways shred metal can sound like "shred metal is shred metal is shred metal" when musicians choose to reach a plateau of skill and musicianship, but Adrian always sounds like he never wants to get complacent or stay in one place forever. This feeling isn't just present in his guitar playing, but in all aspects of his compositions, which is clearly shown in Total Chaos by taking a stroll through Hardcore/Death Metal country in "Brutect". "Brutect" is brutal and has vocals by GodGray 9.0 ((Elastttic)), this reviewer is more than impressed with what English and guests, also including Tony Lopez and Rian Wihantama, have created in Total Chaos.

For all metalheads and shred afficionados, this album will all your metal hungers, scratch all your shred itches, and eviscerate your eardrums in the best way. Pacing is kinetic and gives one the feeling of being bombarded by sound waves from huge cabinets in a pit. There isn't enough to say about Adrian English's shredding, there's either a puddle of blood from this mans fingertips on the studio floor or a shit load of broken strings in his wake. As with all Shredguy Records releases, if you don't like metal stay away from this album. But, if you want to head bang until you need a chiropractor, pick up a copy of Total Chaos now. Right now, go!

Track list:

  1. Rubix Death Cube
  2. Inner Changeable Mutilation
  3. My Technical Slaughterhouse
  4. Brutect
  5. Sounds Like a Bad Painting
  6. The Licentious
  7. The Resurrection of Mother Wolf
  8. Mini Gun Holiday
  9. Inorganic Tri Mortal Reflux
  10. Enter Psych Blender
  11. A Distribution of Madness
  12. Total Chaos
  13. The Nine Yard Belt

Choice cuts are "Brutect", "Mini Gun Holiday", and the title track. Hard to choose choice cuts on this one, but these three kicked my ass the hardest.

Adrian English gets a 4.5 out of 5 for Total Chaos.

For this album and more from Adrian English check out www.shredguyrecords.bigcartel.com.

- Michael Meade